Upholding Integrity and Accountability in Political Leadership: Advocating for a Code of Conduct within the APC


In the realm of Nigerian politics, the issue of ethical conduct among leaders and elected representatives remains a topic of paramount importance. Against the backdrop of recent controversies surrounding figures like Yahaya Bello and Abdullahi Ganduje, there is a growing call for the All Progressives Congress (APC) to establish and publicize a comprehensive code of conduct for its members. Salihu Lukman, a former National Vice Chairman of the APC, has underscored the urgency of this matter, emphasizing the critical role of trust and integrity in effective leadership. This article delves into the significance of instituting a code of conduct within the APC, analyzes the challenges facing the party, and explores potential solutions to foster accountability and transparency in governance.

The Imperative of a Code of Conduct

At the heart of Salihu Lukman's advocacy lies the recognition that political leadership entails a profound responsibility to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct. Against the backdrop of recent controversies involving prominent APC members, including Yahaya Bello and Abdullahi Ganduje, the need for clear guidelines governing the behavior of party leaders becomes increasingly evident. A formalized code of conduct would serve as a guiding framework, delineating acceptable norms of behavior and delineating consequences for violations. By establishing such a code, the APC can demonstrate its commitment to accountability, integrity, and good governance, thereby bolstering public trust and confidence in the party's leadership.

Challenges Facing the APC

 Salihu Lukman's remarks shed light on several systemic challenges plaguing the APC, which have contributed to a perceived erosion of trust and cohesion within the party. One such challenge is the absence of regular forums for internal deliberation and decision-making, as exemplified by the prolonged delay in convening the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting. The failure to convene essential party organs has led to a sense of disenchantment among members and weakened the party's ability to address critical issues effectively. Moreover, the lack of proactive conflict resolution mechanisms has allowed intra-party disputes to fester, undermining party unity and cohesion.

Another pressing issue highlighted by Lukman is the politicization of corruption allegations, as evidenced by the ongoing legal battles involving figures like Abdullahi Ganduje and Yahaya Bello. The entanglement of legal proceedings with political rivalries has cast a shadow over the party's reputation and raised questions about its commitment to combating corruption within its ranks. Lukman's assertion that these challenges necessitate a "renegotiation" of the party's internal dynamics underscores the urgency of instituting substantive reforms to address systemic deficiencies and restore public confidence in the APC's leadership.

Proposed Solutions and the Way Forward

 In response to the aforementioned challenges, Salihu Lukman advocates for a multi-faceted approach aimed at revitalizing the APC and reinvigorating its commitment to ethical governance. Central to his proposal is the establishment of a formalized code of conduct, which would provide clear guidelines for acceptable behavior and delineate mechanisms for enforcement and accountability. By codifying ethical standards, the APC can create a culture of integrity and transparency, thereby fostering trust among members and the general public alike.

Furthermore, Lukman emphasizes the importance of proactive conflict resolution and consensus-building within the party, urging leaders to address underlying grievances and foster a spirit of unity and collaboration. He contends that the resolution of intra-party disputes requires a concerted effort to engage stakeholders in constructive dialogue and facilitate meaningful reconciliation. Additionally, Lukman underscores the need for political leaders to prioritize the interests of the party and the nation above personal ambitions, urging them to demonstrate humility and selflessness in their conduct.


 In conclusion, Salihu Lukman's call for the APC to publish a code of conduct for its leaders and elected representatives reflects a broader imperative to promote integrity, accountability, and ethical governance within Nigeria's political landscape. By instituting clear guidelines and mechanisms for enforcement, the APC can reaffirm its commitment to upholding the highest standards of conduct and serving the interests of the Nigerian people. As the party navigates the complexities of internal reform and external scrutiny, it must embrace the principles of transparency, inclusivity, and integrity to foster trust and confidence among its members and the public alike.

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