YPP Applauds Tinubu's Decision To Adopt The Oronsaye Report

The Young Progressives Party (YPP) has commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for expressing his commitment to implement the recommendations of the Stephen Oronsaye report, which was released over a decade ago. In a statement signed by Comrade Egbeola Martins, the National Publicity Secretary of YPP, the party hailed this move as a bold step in the right direction that needs to be pursued vigorously.

The party acknowledged that the sincere implementation of the Oronsaye report could significantly reduce the unsustainable high cost of governance, corruption, and wastage in government. These issues are seen as contradictions to the country's socioeconomic realities, posing a threat to good governance.

However, the YPP voiced skepticism about President Tinubu's political will to fully implement the report. The party expressed concerns about the possibility of Tinubu merely engaging in political posturing, similar to past leaders who set up implementation committees without executing any recommendations. The YPP emphasized that partial implementation may not yield the desired outcome.

The statement emphasized the pressing need to reassess the current dysfunctional system and determine what works for the nation. Revisiting the Oronsaye report, according to YPP, is a subtle acknowledgment of the urgent requirement for restructuring.

The party urged the government to extend this newfound boldness to reconsider other critical reports, such as the 2014 National Conference report and the 2008 Justice Uwais report on Electoral reform. Both reports contain crucial recommendations that could address many current challenges.

In conclusion, YPP sees this as a golden opportunity for President Tinubu to learn from past failures and recommends a government of national unity. The involvement of all patriotic stakeholders in nation-building is deemed crucial, especially during this challenging period in the nation's history.

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